Orchestral CONDUCTOR


Marcello Corti in Lecco

Reservation ANBIMA Lombardia sarà in concerto domenica 13 ottobre dalle 18.00 al Cenacolo Francescano di Lecco, per uno spettacolo che riunisce il talento dei…

dimmelo in tre minuti
dimmelo in tre minuti

Listen to the Podcast October 10, 2024. Album Release on Bandcamp Out on 19’40”s YT Channel 23/09/2024 – Shkaf30/09/2024 Cinque…

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Puntuale 2025

Puntuale 2025 returns, seven events curated by the 19’40” crew: discussions, concerts, analyses, retrospectives, musical and cultural explorations for all….

Marcello Corti's BIO / ENG

Marcello Corti is a conductor, communicator, and creative artist with a career that spans classical, contemporary, popular, and art music. His work is defined by a constant musical exploration that allows him to collaborate with professionals, young musicians, and amateurs alike. Through his energetic and engaging conducting style, he inspires both musicians and audiences, offering innovative and original musical experiences.

Since 2022, Marcello has been collaborating with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, conducting projects in both the Educational and POP’s seasons, and serves as the conductor of the Orchestra Sinfonica Junior di Milano. Since 2023, he has also led and presented the Concerti-Discovery series, designed to introduce young people to the world of symphonic music. He is the director of the Esecutori di Metallo su Carta ensemble, exploring contemporary music in prestigious venues like the Venice Biennale and MIAMI Festival.

Deeply committed to the promotion of contemporary music, Marcello has premiered numerous works by living composers and collaborates with the 19’40” record label, focusing on the works of emerging composers. He has developed educational projects with the Conservatories of Sassari and Lecce and has produced twelve recordings, including Call for Scores, a unique project that showcases fourteen new works by young composers from around the world.

Marcello is also a passionate educator, adept at making music accessible through simple language. He contributed to the book In ascolto della bellezza (2021), discussing music pedagogy. Additionally, he promotes projects that merge music and sustainability, reaching thousands of children.

Marcello corti BIO / ITA

Marcello Corti è un direttore d’orchestra, divulgatore e creativo con un’attività che spazia tra musica classica, contemporanea, popolare e colta. La sua carriera è caratterizzata da una costante esplorazione musicale, che gli permette di lavorare con professionisti, giovani musicisti e amatori. Con la sua direzione energica e coinvolgente, riesce a ispirare sia i musicisti che il pubblico, offrendo esperienze musicali innovative.

Dal 2022, Marcello collabora con l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, dirigendo progetti nei cartelloni Educational e POP’s, oltre a essere direttore dell’Orchestra Sinfonica Junior. Dal 2023, presenta e dirige i Concerti-Discovery, creati per avvicinare giovani al mondo della musica sinfonica. È anche il direttore dell’ensemble Esecutori di Metallo su Carta, con cui esplora la musica contemporanea in luoghi prestigiosi e inaspettati come la Biennale di Venezia e il MIAMI Festival.

Impegnato nella promozione della musica contemporanea, ha diretto numerose prime esecuzioni di compositori viventi e collabora con la collana discografica 19’40”, esplorando opere di compositori emergenti. Ha sviluppato progetti didattici con i Conservatori di Sassari e Lecce e ha all’attivo dodici incisioni, tra cui il progetto Call for Scores, che raccoglie opere inedite di giovani compositori internazionali.

Marcello è anche un divulgatore appassionato, capace di raccontare la musica con parole semplici e accessibili. Ha scritto sul tema della pedagogia musicale nel libro In ascolto della bellezza (2021) e promuove progetti che uniscono musica e sostenibilità, raggiungendo migliaia di bambini.



Orchestra Giovanile Conservatorio di Ceglie Messapica, Concerto, Ceglie Messàpica


Auditions, Orchestra Sinfonica Junior di Milano


Auditions, Orchestra Sinfonica Junior di Milano


Open Day, Civico Istituto Musicale G. Zelioli, Lecco


Concerto d’autunno, Banda Sociale Meratese, Merate


Concerto, Banda Giovanile Regionale ANBIMA Lombardia


Osnago, Orchestra Junior Ass. Arché


Call for Scores

for the young people

Marcello Corti is the artistic director of the ANBIMA Lombardia Summer Stage, the summer course organized by ANBIMA Lombardia for over 20 years.

The 2023 edition will take place in Casargo from July 1st to July 16th.

The Junior Symphony Orchestra is the ensemble that involves girls and boys from 16 to 19 years old, organized by the Milan Symphony Orchestra.

The Junior Orchestra accompanies young musicians through the great symphonic repertoire.


Pope Francis’ words in Christus Vivit [223] are more than sufficient to justify the effort made to compose the text Listening to Beauty and recommend its reading. Through greater beauty, Orpheus’ song mesmerizes and conquers the sirens, catching them off guard in their own field, that of singing and beauty that attracts, seduces, and impassions.

We should “reverse the usual perspective of those who see exercise as a strategy to improve their physical appearance. In fact, moving is the best thing we can do for our brain. Aerobic activity such as biking and running ‘influences your concentration, memory, creativity, and stress resilience. It allows you to think faster and better manage mental resources.'”

“Train Always” includes a contribution by Marcello Corti.